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Caption Generation of the Tnnt3tm2a(KOMP)Wtsi allele. (a) The mutant allele is shown to illustrate the mutated Tnnt3 gene in which the lacZ and neomycin expression cassette was inserted between exon 9 and exon 10, resulting in a Tnnt3 null gene, and is flanked by FRT (flippase recognition target) sites. This cassette contains the splice acceptor of mouse engrailed 2 exon 2 (En2 SA), an internal ribosome entry sequence (IRES) to initiate lacZ translation, and polyadenylation (pA) to terminate transcription after the lacZ gene. The neo gene is driven by human beta actin promoter (hBactP) and contains its own pA. Additionally, exon 10 is flanked by loxP sites. (b) The resulting Tnnt3 conditional knockout gene structure that is generated by crossing Tnnt3tm2a(KOMP)Wtsi mice with mice that express the Flp recombinase is shown to illustrate removal of the lacZ and neomycin cassette. (c) The resulting Tnnt3 knockout allele generated after crossing with Cre expression mice is shown.
Copyright This image is from Ju Y, Genesis 2013 Sep;51(9):667-75, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:204474
Symbol Name
Tnnt3tm2a(KOMP)Wtsi troponin T3, skeletal, fast; targeted mutation 2a, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Tnnt3tm2a(KOMP)Wtsi troponin T3, skeletal, fast; targeted mutation 2a, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

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