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Molecular Image Detail
Caption Generation of the Neurog3tm3.1Ggr allele. (A) Schema depicting the Neurog3 locus and the targeting construct. (B) Targeted Neurog3 allele before and after the excision of the FRT flanked PGK-Neo selection cassette by the FLP recombinase. Stars in B indicate the position of the 5' - and 3' -external probes used for Southern blot analysis. (A and B) The black boxes indicate the Neurog3 coding sequence. The PGK-Neomycin selection cassette, the loxP, and FRT sites are indicated as well. X, XbaI; Sp, SpeI; E, EcoRI; Pm, PmeI; As, AscI.
Copyright This image is from Mellitzer G, J Clin Invest 2010 May 3;120(5):1708-21 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:161480
Symbol Name
Neurog3tm3.1Ggr neurogenin 3; targeted mutation 3.1, Gerard Gradwohl

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