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Caption Generation of Slc22a1tm1Kmgi allele. Targeted disruption of the Slc22a1 (Oct1) gene by homologous recombination. The exons 2-7 are shown. The strategy results in the complete deletion of exons 3-5 and partial deletion of exons 2 and 6. 5' and 3' homology arms (3kb and 3.5kb respectively) were cloned by proof-reading PCR and placed either side of the IRES-lacZ expression cassette and positive selection cassette to generate the targeting construct. The deleted region is replaced with an IRES-LacZ expression cassette and a positive selection cassette containing the neomycin phophotransferase gene driven by the PGK promoter. Homologous recombination in neomycin resistant ES cells was confirmed by Southern blot of SpeI digested genomic DNA using a 3' external probe (black bar) which detects 8kb and 6kb bands at the wild-type and targeted locus respectively. Homologous recombination at the 5' end was confirmed in these ES cell clones by Southern blot and both ends were reconfirmed by PCR using primers external to the targeting construct.
Copyright This image is from Shu Y, J Clin Invest 2007 May;117(5):1422-31 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:122106
Symbol Name
Slc22a1tm1Kmgi solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 1; targeted mutation 1, Kathleen M Giacomini

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