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Caption Generation of the Slc20a1tm1.1Cmg (PiT-1 flox) and Slc20a1tm1.2Cmg (PiT-1 deltae3,4) alleles. 1(a) A genomic sequence (shown to scale) containing exons 2-4 was subcloned for targeting vector construction and a loxP site was placed between exons 2 and 3, while a Neo cassette (in reverse orientation) flanked with loxP and FRT sites was placed downstream of exon 4 (top). Recombination with the wild-type (WT) locus (middle) produced the targeted allele (bottom). 2. Alleles from Cre and FLP-mediated recombination and the PCR strategy used to identify them. (a) WT (top), Slc20a1tm1.1Cmg (PiT-1 flox) (middle), and Slc20a1tm1.2Cmg (PiT-1Deltae3,4) (bottom) alleles (to scale) and relative placement of the primers (arrows) used to genotype them.
Copyright This image is from Festing MH, Genesis 2009 Dec;47(12):858-63, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:156027
Symbol Name
Slc20a1tm1.1Cmg solute carrier family 20, member 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Cecilia M Giachelli
Slc20a1tm1.2Cmg solute carrier family 20, member 1; targeted mutation 1.2, Cecilia M Giachelli

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