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Caption Generation of the Osr1tm2Jian, Osr1tm2.1Jian, and Osr1tm2.2Jian alleles. A: Schematic representation of the Osr1 gene. Boxes represent exons and are labeled E1, E2, and E3, respectively. The protein-coding regions of exons 2 and 3 are shaded, with the positions of the translation start (ATG) and stop (TAA) codons indicated. Positions corresponding to the southern hybridization probes used for screening for correct targeting of the Osr1 locus are also indicated. Restriction sites are B, BamHI; Bg, BglII; R, EcoRV; X, XbaI. B: The targeting vector consists of the BglII/EcoRV fragment form intron 1 of the Osr1 gene as the 5' homology arm, followed by loxP sequences, a frt flanked neo expression cassette, the EcoRV fragment containing Exon 2 of the Osr1 gene, another loxP sequence, the EcoRV/XbaI fragment containing exon 3 as the 3' homology arm, and a diphtheria toxin-A expression cassette. C: Schematic representation of the targeted Osr1tm2Jian (Osr1fneo) allele. D: Schematic representation of the Osr1tm2.2Jian (Osr1f allele), following FLP-mediated deletion of the neo expression cassette from the Osr1tm2Jian (Osr1fneo) allele. E: Schematic representation of the Osr1tm2.1Jian (Osr1DeltaE2) allele, following Cre-mediated deletion of the loxP-flanked Exon 2.
Copyright This image is from Lan Y, Genesis 2011 May;49(5):419-22, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:172133
Symbol Name
Osr1tm2.1Jian odd-skipped related transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 2.2, Rulang Jiang
Osr1tm2.2Jian odd-skipped related transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 2.2, Rulang Jiang
Osr1tm2Jian odd-skipped related transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 2, Rulang Jiang

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