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Molecular Image Detail
Caption Targeting strategy for the the Sox17tm2.1(icre)Heli (Sox122A-iCre) allele. A targeting vector was used to introduce the 2A self-cleaving peptide followed by iCre into Exon 5 of the Sox17 gene. The neomycin selection cassette was subsequently removed by Flp-mediated excision in the germline. Sox17 exons (black boxes) are numbered and the open reading frame isidentified (orange). Promoter regions (yellow boxes) and the two transcriptional starts (red boxes) are as indicated. Genotyping primers are designated EP400, EP401, EP420, and EP564. The external 5' probe is as indicated. Restriction enzyme sites for EcoRV are shown. Homology regions to generate the targeting constructs are indicated as 5' and 3' retrieval.
Copyright This image is from Engert S, Genesis 2009 Sep;47(9):603-10, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:155991
Symbol Name
Sox17tm2.1(icre)Heli SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 17; targeted mutation 2.1, Heiko Lickert

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