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Caption Generation of the Sp3tm2.1Sus allele. (A) Top, schematic representation of Sp3 protein structure. The glutamine rich activation domains A and B, the SUMO attachment site (IKEE) within the inhibitory domain (ID) and the zinc fingers (black bars) of the DNA binding domain as well as the translational start sites and the length of the four different isoforms (781, 769,496 and 479 aa) of Sp3 are indicated. Connecting lines with the corresponding murine Sp3 gene regions show the derivation of the inhibitory domain of the Sp3 protein from exon 5. In the targeting vector, exon 5 was replaced by the mutagenized exon and a floxed cassette containing a splice acceptor site (En2-SA), an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) and a lacZ-neomycin fusion gene (lacZNeo). The positions of the BglII (B) sites, the probe used for Southern blotting (B-probe) and the lengths of the corresponding DNA fragments are given as well. (C) Schematic presentation of the mutant allele after removal of the selection cassette by crossing targeted heterozygous mice with CAG-driven Cre recombinase expressing mice. The black arrowhead in the mutant allele represents the remaining loxP site after removal of the lacZ-neo cassette.
Copyright This image is from Stielow B, PLoS Genet 2010;6(11):e1001203, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:167521
Symbol Name
Sp3tm2.1Sus trans-acting transcription factor 3; targeted mutation 2.1, Guntram Suske

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