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Caption Panel A. +/+ wildtype (left) & Panel B. Ctnnbip1tm1Taki/Ctnnbip1tm1Taki Panel A. (right) & Panel C. at E18.5. Homozygous embryos exhibit skull defects, lacked eyes, nose, maxillary bone and rostral skull. In Panel C. the tongue (arrowhead) brain (red arrow) are exposed and the head skin is turned insideout (white arrow). Panel D. In E12.5 Ctnnbip1tm1Taki/Ctnnbip1tm1Taki embryos the rostral head was shortened(arrow). Panel E. shows defective development of the cerebrum in Ctnnbip1tm1Taki/Ctnnbip1tm1Taki embryos. Panel F. the upper jaw of E18.5 embryos are fixed. Ctnnbip1tm1Taki/Ctnnbip1tm1Taki embryos have a cleft secondary palate (arrow). Panel I. showing ruptured gut of Ctnnbip1tm1Taki/Ctnnbip1tm1Taki neonate (right). Panels J. & K. show urogenital systems. panel J. is of wildtype (arrows pointing to kidneys) Panel K. is Ctnnbip1tm1Taki/Ctnnbip1tm1Taki (arrows pointing to adrenal glands) kidneys are absent.
Copyright This image is from Satoh K, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2004 May 25;101(21):8017-21. Copyright 2004 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:90666
Symbol Name
Ctnnbip1tm1Taki catenin beta interacting protein 1; targeted mutation 1, Tetsu Akiyama
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Ctnnbip1tm1Taki/Ctnnbip1tm1Taki involves: C57BL/6 * CBA

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