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Caption (A & B) Lateral view of +/+ littermate control (left) and Sox9tm1Crm/Sox9+ (right) newborn. The Sox9tm1Crm/Sox9+ are usually more slender but overall length is similar. (C & D) Coronla sections of the heads of +/+ control (left) and Sox9tm1Crm/Sox9+ (right) at molar level. Arrow indicates cleft palate in the Sox9tm1CrmSox9+. (E & F) Transverse sections the E14.5 testes of the Sox9tm1Crm/Sox9+ (upper) are histologically normal compared with the +/+ control (lower), showing seminiferos cords enclosing the germ cell (arrow), Fetal Leydig cells comprising the intersitium between the seminiferos cords (*) and a tunica albuginea surrounding the testis (arrowhead). (G - N) Skeletal elements of +/+ control ( G, I, K & M) and Sox9tm1Crm/Sox9+ (H, J, L & N). The deltoid tuberosity of the humerus on the E 18,5 forelimb is missing on the Sox9tm1Crm/Sox9+ (H), arrowheads show the bending of the radius and ulna. There is a bending ilium and pubic bone of the Sox9tm1Crm/Sox9+ (J) indicated by the arrowheads. In the ribcage of the Sox9tm1Crm/Sox9+ (L), the arrowhead indicates a missing manubrium sterna. In the newborn trachea of the Sox9tm1Crm/Sox9+ (N) the arrowhead indicates the bending of the hyoid bone. Abbreviations: scapula (S); humerus (H); radius (R); ulna (U); ilium (Il_; pubic (Pu); xiphoid process(Xp); hyoid bone (Hy); thyroid cartilage (Tc) cricoid cartilage (Cc); tracheal rings (Tr).
Copyright This image is from Bi W, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2001 Jun 5;98(12):6698-703. Copyright 2001 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:69875
Symbol Name
Sox9tm1Crm SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9; targeted mutation 1, Benoit de Crombrugghe
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Sox9tm1Crm/Sox9+ involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 * CD-1

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