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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Skeletons stained with alizarin red to identify ossified tissue (panels A & K), or stained with alizarin red in combination with Alcian blue stain to additionally reveal cartilage (panels F-J). A: Dorsal view of calvarial bones at E18 showing closer apposition of frontal and parietal bones at the coronal suture (arrows) in a Fgfr2tm2.3Dsn/Fgfr2+ mouse compared with its wild type littermate. B-E: Transverse sections through the frontal and parietal bones showing fusion of coronal sutures in the mutant mouse in contrast to wild type mice. Sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin (panels B & C) or alkaline phosphatase (panels D & E). F-I: Lateral views of skulls from 7 day old mice showing in mutants rounded heads, truncated maxilla, and fusion of joints separating the zygomatic arch bones (part of the maxilla, zygomatic, and temporal bones) which make up the lower rim of the eye socket. H & I: Detail of zygomatic arch joints shown in (panels F & G), respectively. J & K: Dissected and whole rib cages from 1 and 4 day old mice, respectively, showing precocious and progressive sternal fusion in the mutants. Note that in these mice, individual sternebrae are thicker and less congruent, and the manubrium and xiphoid processes are bifurcated.
Copyright This image is from Hajihosseini MK, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2001 Mar 27;98(7):3855-60. Copyright 2001 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:72517
Symbol Name
Fgfr2tm2.3Dsn fibroblast growth factor receptor 2; targeted mutation 2.3, Clive Dickson
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Fgfr2tm2.3Dsn/Fgfr2+ involves: 129 * C57BL/6 * FVB/N

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