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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption B: Histopathology of tumors in Wwoxtm1Ria/Wwox+ mice. (Ba) Lung ( H & E staining) nodule composed of epithelial proliferation with grandular and papillary growth pattern (bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma). N (normal) versus C (carcinoma). (Magnification: x 200.) (Bb) Higher magnification (H&E staining) of the lung nodule shown in Ba, indicating marked nuclear and cellular atypia with rare atypical mitoses. (Magnification: x400.) (Bc) Immunohistochemistry for Ki67 showing low proliferation rate in tumor cells in a lung nodule. (Magnification: x200.) (Bd) Immunohistochemistry for WWOX showing positive expression in tumor cells in a lung nodule. (Magnification: x100.) (Be) Spleen (H&E staining) monomorphic lymphopid population expanding the red pulp: diffuse large B cell lymphoma. (Magnification: x400.) (Bf) Immunohistochemistry for Ki67 showing intense positivity in the lymphoblastic population in spleen. (Magnification: x100.) (Bg) Hemangioma in liver (H&E staining). Arrows show large vascular channels. (Magnification: x100.) (Bh) Large mass of malignant chondroblasts surrounded by chondroid material (arrowheads) in lung (H&E staining): chondrosarcoma. (Magnification: x100.) (Bi) Fibroadenoma in mammary gland (H&E staining). (Magnification: x100.) (Bj) Large mass of malignant squamous cells with incomplete keratinization in stomach (H&E staining): squamous cell carcinoma. (Magnification: x400.) (Bk) Atypical B cell infiltrates (arrowheads) in liver (H&E staining). (Magnification: x100.) (Bl) Perivascular atypical B cell infiltrates (arrowheads) in lung (H&E staining). (Magnification: x40.)
Copyright This image is from Aqeilan RI, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 Mar 6;104(10):3949-54. Copyright 2007 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:120064
Symbol Name
Wwoxtm1Ria WW domain-containing oxidoreductase; targeted mutation 1, Rami I Aqeilan
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Wwoxtm1Ria/Wwox+ involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6

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