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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption A: Top row, Tfap2aMhdador/Tcfap2a+, bottom row wild type. B: Left, heterozygous mutant, right, wild tyep. The heterzygous mouse malleus has a flatter incudo-malleal joint (arrowhead) compared with the wild type mouse malleus. Two examples of the heteryzygous incus are shown in A: the shape is abnormal with a longer process in some (arrow) and a flatter joint. The heterozygous mouse staples is skewed in shape. The lenticular process is disc shaped in the wild type mice (asterisk) but tendon-like in the mutants (asterisks in A & B).
Copyright This image is from Ahituv N, Mamm Genome 2004 Jun;15(6):424-32 and is displayed with the permission of Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York who owns the copyright. J:90701
Symbol Name
Tfap2aMhdador transcription factor AP-2, alpha; Martin Hrabe de Angelis doarad
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Tfap2aMhdador/Tfap2a+ involves: C3HeB/FeJ

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