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Caption A: Histological examination of retina from 2 month old Tg(RHO-SCA7)R7NJman/0 (R7N) (panels 1 and 3) and Tg(RHO-SCA7)R7EJman/0 (R7E) (panels 2 and 4) mice. Toluidin-blue staining of semi-thin sections revealed a discontinuous pattern of segment loss which paralleled an irregular appearance of rod chromatin decondensation in Tg(RHO-SCA7)R7EJman/0 mice (upper panels). High magnification micrographs (lower panels) showed that rods with preserved nuclear morphology are connected with inner segments of normal appearance. Scale bars represent 20um in upper panels and 10um in lower panels. B-D: Rhodopsin immunolocalization in 2 month old Tg(RHO-SCA7)R7NJman/0 and Tg(RHO-SCA7)R7EJman/0 retina. B: Immunohistochemistry of paraffin-embedded sections was performed using an anti-rhodopsin antibody (4D2). In Tg(RHO-SCA7)R7EJman/0 retina, residual staining was observed in the innermost part of the outer nuclear layer (ONL) and in folds in which normal condensed rod nuclei were typically located. Scale bar: 10um. C and D: Immunofluorescence of retinal cyrosections were performed using anti-rhodopsin (4D2) and DAPI to visualize rod nuclei. Images were collected by confocal imaging analysis, and merged images (rhodopsin in red, DAPI in grey scale) are shown. C: Very few cells retained rhodopsin staining, which circumscribes the nucleus in the ONL. D; Higher magnification images demonstrated that residual staining was exclusively found in rods showing a preserved nuclear morphology (arrows), whereas no rhodopsin could be detected in rods showing an altered chromatin organization (arrowheads). Scale bar: 5um.
Copyright This image is from Helmlinger D, PLoS Biol 2006 Mar;4(3):e67, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:107098
Symbol Name
Tg(RHO-SCA7)R7EJman transgene insertion R7E, Jean-Louis Mandel
Tg(RHO-SCA7)R7NJman transgene insertion R7N, Jean-Louis Mandel
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Tg(RHO-SCA7)R7EJman/0 involves: C57BL/6 * SJL
Tg(RHO-SCA7)R7NJman/0 involves: C57BL/6 * SJL

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