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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption A: Alizarin red and alcian blue staining of Casp3tm1Flv/Casp3tm1Flv (Casp3-/-, right), Casp3tm1Flv/Casp3+ (Casp3+/-, center), and wild type (WT) mice at different stages. Homozygous mutant mice had smaller skeletons and showed delayed development in the skull, metacarpi, phalanges and the sternum at 14.5dpc (upper panels). White arrow shows the skeletal developmental delay on metacarpi in homozygous mice. Homozygous mutant mice show delayed ossification on interpartietal bones (black arrow) and metatarsi (white arrow, middle panels) at 17.5 dpc. One week old homozygous mutant mice also showed a smaller skeleton (lower panel) compared with wild type mice. B: Hematoxylin and eosin staining on the sagittal suture of the anterior frontal bone at 7 weeks. The suture was completely closed in wild type mice, while homozygous and heterozygous mice showed a completely opened suture and an incomplete closure, respectively. Original magnification, x200. C: Trabecular bone structure of the distal femoral metaphysis at 3 weeks by microCT. Both homozygous and heterozygous mice showed decreased trabecular bone formation (asterisks) compared with wild type mice. D: Coronal sections of the distal femoral metaphysis at 5 weeks by microCT. White arrows show the trabecular bone areas. E: X-ray images of the femora at 8 weeks (left panel) show differences in bone density between heterozygous and wild type mice, including cortical bone (arrowheads) and trabecular bone (asterisks). Cancellous bone mineral density (BMD) of the distal femora assessed by pQCT (right panel). pQCT also indicated significantly decreased BMD in heterozygous femora. Error bars represent the mean +/- SD (n = 4; #P < 0.05).
Copyright This image is from Miura M, J Clin Invest 2004 Dec;114(12):1704-13 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:94703
Symbol Name
Casp3tm1Flv caspase 3; targeted mutation 1, Richard Flavell
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Casp3tm1Flv/Casp3tm1Flv involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6
Casp3tm1Flv/Casp3+ involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6J

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