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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Tooth abnormalities in 1 year old Dspptm1Kul/Dspptm1Kul mice. Extracted first molars from wild type (+/+, A) and homozygous mutant (-/-, B) mice, showing enlarged pulp cavity (*) by microradiography. Similarly, decreased mineral density was observed in the incisors (arrow) of the mutant mice (D). Prominent globular mineralized zones (arrow) in mutant incisors at the incisal end are shown as insets in D. Molars of mutant mice (F-H) show discoloration (arrow) and severe attrition, leading to the complete disappearance of tooth crown (dotted circle). Frontal sections of wild type (I) and mutant (J) skulls showing the distribution of calcium staining, abnormal molar pulp cavity and resorption of the bone surrounding the teeth (*). ab, alveolar bone; to, tongue; in, incisors; m1, molar 1; m2, molar 2; m3, molar 3; mo, molars.
Copyright This image is from Sreenath T, J Biol Chem 2003 Jul 4;278(27):24874-80 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:84378
Symbol Name
Dspptm1Kul dentin sialophosphoprotein; targeted mutation 1, Ashok B Kulkarni
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Dspptm1Kul/Dspptm1Kul involves: 129/Sv * C57BL/6

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