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Caption A and B: Whole mount pictures of E10.5 wild type (+/+, A) and Hspg2tm1Ref/Hspg2tm1Ref (-/-, B) showing blood leakage into the pericardial cavity (arrow). C-H: Light microscopy of semi-thin sections of wild type (C and E) and mutant hearts (D and F-H) stained with methylene blue. C: Myocardial wall with well developed trabeculation separated from the thin pericardium by a cell-free cavity. E: Higher magnification shows that cardiomyocytes are covered by an endo- and epicardial cell layer. D: Myocardial wall of mutants is disrupted (arrow), whereas the endo- and epicardial cell layers are intact. The pericardial cavity contains blood cells and is surrounded by a thickened pericardium. F-H: Three different mutant hearts with small ruptures in the myocardial wall (arrows). I-K: Electron microscopy of a normal (I) cardiac muscle cell with basement membrane (BM) composed of a lamina rara and densa (arrow). Mutant cardiac muscle cell shows a typical myofilament organization but lacks a BM (arrow in J) or with BM-like material (arrow in K) on the cell surface. L and M: Typical BM with a lamina rara and densa (arrow) beneath the dermal epithelium of wild type (L) and mutant (M) embryos. N-Q: Immunostaining for perlecan (N and O) and laminin-1 (P and Q) of a wild type (N and P) and mutant (O and Q) heart. Perlecan is absent but laminin-1 is expressed in mutant hearts. Abbreviations: v, ventricle; m, myocardium; p, pericardium; mf, muscle filament; e, epithelial cell. Bars: C and D, 250um; E-H, 100um; I-M, 250nm; N-Q, 250um.
Copyright This image is from Costell M, J Cell Biol 1999 Nov 29;147(5):1109-22, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:58700
Symbol Name
Hspg2tm1Ref perlecan (heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2); targeted mutation 1, Reinhard Fassler
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Hspg2tm1Ref/Hspg2tm1Ref involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ

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