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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption A-H: Frontal histological sections through wild type (WT) and Aldh1a3tm1.1Pcn/Aldh1a3tm1.1Pcn (aldh1a3KO) heads at E14.5 (A and C) and E18.5 (B, D-H). I and J: Views of the internal surface of the nasal cavities at E18.5. C, cornea; CH, choana; D, dorsal retina; DN, dorsal nasal concha; E1-E3, ethmoturbinates; E2/E3, fused second and third erthmoturbinates; F, persistent nasal fin; L, lens; MS, maxillary sinus; N, nasal cavity; ND, nasolacrimal duct (which drains tears from the conjunctiva of the eye to the nasal cavity); NS, nasal septum; O, optic nerve; P, nasopharnynx; R, retrolenticular membrane (persistent primary vitreous body); V, ventral retina; VN, ventral nasal concha. The asterisk in D denotes the absence of the Harderian gland (HG). Scale bar: A and C, 150um; B,D,G and H, 300um; E and F, 500um.
Copyright This image is from Dupe V, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2003 Nov 25;100(24):14036-41. Copyright 2003 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:90261
Symbol Name
Aldh1a3tm1.1Pcn aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A3; targeted mutation 1.1, Pierre Chambon
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Aldh1a3tm1.1Pcn/Aldh1a3tm1.1Pcn involves: 129/Sv * C57BL/6

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