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Caption Histological and microcomputed tomography analysis of tibial bone in newborn wild type (+/+), Runx2tm1Ldq/Runx2+ (+/-) and Runx2tm1Ldq/Runx2tm1Ldq (-/-) mice. A-C: Hematoxylin and eosin staining of decalcified tibias of wild type and mutant mice. Low magnification (20x) of entire tibia showing epiphyseal and diaphyseal regions (A) are shown. Higher power magnification of growth plate (100x, B) and metaphyseal/growth plate interface (200x, C) are shown. A widened zone of terminally differentiated chondrocytes and diminished metaphyseal bone formation were observed in homozygous mice. e, epiphysis; d, diaphysis; m, metaphysis; gp, growth plate; and hz, hypertrophic chondrocytes zone. D-F: Representative three-dimensional images of skeleton and tibial bone from wild type and mutant mice generated from microCT analysis. Whole skeleton (D), metaphyseal region (E) and cortical bone (F) are shown. Diminished metaphyseal bone structures and thinning of the cortical bone were observed in homozygous mice.
Copyright This image is from Xiao ZS, J Biol Chem 2004 May 7;279(19):20307-13 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:89822
Symbol Name
Runx2tm1Ldq runt related transcription factor 2; targeted mutation 1, L Darryl Quarles
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Runx2tm1Ldq/Runx2tm1Ldq involves: C57BL/6J
Runx2tm1Ldq/Runx2+ involves: C57BL/6J

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