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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Top panels: Adult cerebella from Nrcamtm1Gmt/Nrcamtm1Gmt (-/-) and its Nrcamtm1Gmt/Nrcam+ (+/-) littermate were observed under dissecting microscope and images were collected through CCD camera. Note that the length in anterior-posterior axis of lobes IV and V at the midline is shorter in the homozygous mutant mouse. Middle panels: Vibratome midsagittal sections of cerebella from adult mutant mouse and its heterozygous littermate were stained with cresyl violet. Note that lobes IV and V (arrows) of homozygotes are smaller than those of heterozygous littermates. In contrast, there was little or no change in size of lobe IX (arrowheads). Bottom panels: Vibratome midsagittal sections of cerebella from adult mutant mouse and its heterozygous littermate were visualized under phase contrast microscope.
Copyright This image is from Sakurai T, J Cell Biol 2001 Sep 17;154(6):1259-73, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:71828
Symbol Name
Nrcamtm1Gmt neuronal cell adhesion molecule; targeted mutation 1, Martin Grumet
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Nrcamtm1Gmt/Nrcamtm1Gmt either: (involves: 129S6/SvEvTac) or (involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * Swiss Webster)

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