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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption When compared with adult wild-type (WT) mice, adult Sgk3tm1Okad/Sgk3tm1Okad (KO) mice (P36 and P411) have a sparse, uneven hair coat (A-D) and irregular hair shafts when seen in profile (E and F). Whiskers are malformed (G and H). Plucked hairs (I and J) lack normal guard, awl, or zigzag hairs. Scanning EM (K and L) shows mutant hairs to be irregular and thin with occasional malformed cuticles (arrowheads). Mutant plucked hairs are shorter than wild-type hairs, with the exception of guard hairs (M). Histology of adult back skin demonstrates that a sparse coat is not caused by the loss of hair follicles (arrows; N-Q). Transmission EM (TEM) of P3 follicles verifies the presence of all cell types in mutant follicles (R and S), including the three layers of the inner root sheath (IRS). Note the normal keratinization of Henley's layer of the IRS in the upper bulb (asterisks). HS, hair shaft; Ci, IRS cuticles; Hu, Huxley's layer of the IRS; He, Henley's layer of the IRS; ORS, outer root sheath.
Copyright This image is from Alonso L, J Cell Biol 2005 Aug 15;170(4):559-70, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:100992
Symbol Name
Sgk3tm1Okad serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 3; targeted mutation 1, Hitoshi Okada
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Sgk3tm1Okad/Sgk3tm1Okad involves: 129P2/OlaHsd

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