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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption External and histological appearance of E12 wild-type (a, c and e) and Juptm1Ruiz/Juptm1Ruiz (b,d and f) embryos. Note the reduced blood supply of mutant embryos, compared with wild-type littermates, particularly in liver and placenta (compare a and c with b and d). The white arrow in d and the large arrow in f indicate blood flooding the pericardial cavity; the small arrow in f points to a rupture in the left heart ventricle in a mutant embryo. G: Immunofluorescence microscopy showing plakoglobin (by anti-plakoglobin antibody staining) in cryostat sections through heart tissue of a wild-type embryo and a mutant (h). I: Shows a section through a whole embryo stained for plakoglobin. h and li (in c and d) indicate heart and liver, respectively; v and at (in e-i) indicate ventricle and atrium.
Copyright This image is from Ruiz P, J Cell Biol 1996 Oct;135(1):215-25, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:64280
Symbol Name
Juptm1Ruiz junction plakoglobin; targeted mutation 1, Patricia Ruiz
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Juptm1Ruiz/Juptm1Ruiz involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6

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