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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption A: A 5 week-old female wild-type (WT) and Slc39a13tm1Thir/Slc39a13tm1Thir (KO) mice. A bar indicates 10 cm. B: Kyphosis in mutant mouse. Appearance and radiographs of 5-week old mice. C: Osteopenia of mutant mice. X-rays of skull (left), femur and tibia (middle) of 4 week old mice. 3D-mCT of the tibial diaphysis (right). D: Mutant mice show elongated growth plate with uncoordinated columnar formation, and decrease hypertrophic zone. Tibia from 4 week old mutant mice and wild-type littermates stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Large views of growth plate are shown in middle and lower panels. PZ, proliferative zone; HZ, hypertrophic zone. E. Gene expression of Col10a1 and Ihh gene are diminished in growth plate of 4-week old mutant mice. Bar indicates 300 um. ISH images.
Copyright This image is from Fukada T, PLoS ONE 2008;3(11):e3642, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:143911
Symbol Name
Slc39a13tm1Thir solute carrier family 39 (metal ion transporter), member 13; targeted mutation 1, Toshio Hirano
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Slc39a13tm1Thir/Slc39a13tm1Thir involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ

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