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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption (a) Appearance of the external female genitalia of a wild-type mouse shows a normal vaginal entrance (arrow). (b) An Epha1tm1Sld/Epha1tm1Sld mouse demonstrating failed uterovaginal canalization and an imperforate vaginal entrance (arrow). (c) The dissected reproductive tract of an Epha1tm1Sld/Epha1+ mouse (left) with a normal uterus (arrow) and vagina, and a mutant mouse with an imperforate vagina and hydrometrocolpos (arrow). (d) The genitals of a 12-day old sexually immature wild-type mouse. (e) The same mouse following beta-estradiol-induced vaginal canalization. Note the externally open vaginal canal (arrow). (f) A beta-estradiol-treated homozygote that has failed to undergo vaginal canalization. Note the closed external vaginal entrance (arrow). (g) An H&E stained section from the genital tract of a homozygous mutant adult shows an obstructed uterovaginal canal (o, arrow) dilated by hydrometrocolpos. (h) An H&E section of the reproductive tract from the mouse in (e) shows an externally patent vaginal entrance (v, arrow) and the canalizing genital tract. (i) An H&E of the reproductive tract of the mouse in (f) shows an obstructed uterovaginal canal (o, arrow). (j) An H&E section from a wild-type mouse uterus shows normal morphology (arrow). (k) Homozygous mutant mice show a marked reduction in the epithelial and stromal elements of the uterus (arrow) compared with wild-type controls (see arrow in (j) and the accumulation of hydrometrocolpos in the lumen of the uterus. (l) Immunohistochemistry for caspase-3 shows readily detectable apoptosis in sections from beta-estradiol-injected control mice (arrows). (m) Apoptotic cells are not detected in caspase-3-stained sections from beta-estrodiol-injected homozygous mutant females. Abbreviations: u, uterus; c, cervix; uc, uterovaginal canal; o, obstruction; v, external vaginal entrance. Scale bars indicate 2,000 um (g-i), 500 um (j,k) 100 um (l,m).
Copyright This image is from Duffy SL, Genesis 2008 Oct;46(10):553-61, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:142722
Symbol Name
Epha1tm1Sld Eph receptor A1; targeted mutation 1, Shannon L Duffy
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Epha1tm1Sld/Epha1tm1Sld involves: 129 * C57BL/6J

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