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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption a: Ocular phenotype of 8-week old mice. A representative photograph of untreated wild-type (+/+) mouse with a normal ocular phenotype compared to Hsf4tm1Miv/Hsf4tm1Miv (-/-) mice, which exhibited microphthalmia of variable degree is shown (upper panels). Examination of lens morphology from animals in the upper panels revealed an overall decrease in lens size and development of cataract in lens of mutant mice (lower panels). b: Hematoxylin and eosin staining of lens from wild-type and mutant mice at embryonic (E15.5), and postnatal stage (P1,P5,P10,P28, and 8 weeks old). c: Midsagittal lens sections prepared from wild-type and mutant mice at E15.5, P1, or P5 were stained with DAPI. d: Fiber cells from lens cortical (left) or nuclear areas (right) from 8-week old mutant mice were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. Fiber cells exhibited normal morphology containing intact nuclei surrounded by membrane (arrow), endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria (arrowheads). Scale bars in a=1 mm; in b,c = 50 um; in d = 500 nm).
Copyright This image is from Min JN, Genesis 2004 Dec;40(4):205-17, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:95535
Symbol Name
Hsf4tm1Miv heat shock transcription factor 4; targeted mutation 1, Nahid F Mivechi
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Hsf4tm1Miv/Hsf4tm1Miv involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6

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