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Caption Testicular ultrastructure in adult wild-type and Meig1tm1.2Zzha/Meig1tm1.2Zzha mice. Representative transmission electronic microscopy images from an adult wild-type (+/+) mouse (A-D) and a Meig1tm1.2Zzha/Meig1tm1.2Zzha (-/-) mutant mouse (E-L). A and B show normal spermatogenesis and axoneme structure in wild-type testes, C and D shows normal condensing spermatids heads and manchette structure (arrowheads) in wild-type testes. E shows failure of spermatogenesis as evaluated by absence of sperm in the lumen of seminiferous tubule. F represents highly condensed Sertoli cell cytoplasm (arrow). G and H represent some condensing spermatids that lack manchette structure as seen in the wild-type testes (C and D). Inserts in F and G represent two deformed sperm heads. I-L and inserts show disorganized flagella. Note that the flagella components, such as microtubules and outer dense fibers seem to be made normally, but are not assembled correctly into flagella. Some flagella contain multiple axonemal structure (J). Arrows point to disorganized flagella.
Copyright This image is from Zhang Z, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 Oct 6;106(40):17055-60. Copyright 2009 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:153677
Symbol Name
Meig1tm1.2Zzha meiosis expressed gene 1; targeted mutation 1.2, Zhibing Zhang
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Meig1tm1.2Zzha/Meig1tm1.2Zzha Not Specified

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