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Caption Phenotypes of Gtf2ird1Gt(XE465)Byg/Gtf2ird1Gt(XE465)Byg (B,F-H, M and N) Gtf2iGt(XE029)Byg/Gtf2iGt(XE029)Byg (C,D, I-K and O-Q) embryos at E9.5 - E12.5 (I-K). (B-D) Mutants are much smaller compared with a wild-type littermate (A), and some are resorbed. The morphology of the cranial region of mutants is distinct from that of wild-type littermates; they lack prominent mesencephalic and telecephalic vesicles. Homozygotes have a small first branchial arch (BA) and a reduced second BA. The dilated pericardial sacs are highlighted by arrowheads. (C) Malformation of the allantois in an E8.5 embryo is shown by a white arrow. The allantois appeared short and swollen and failed to fuse to the chorion in mutant embryos. Gtf2ird1Gt(XE465)Byg/Gtf2ird1Gt(XE465)Byg (F-H) and Gtf2iGt(XE029)Byg/Gtf2iGt(XE029)Byg (I-K) embryos showed open neural tube defects (exencephaly) and midfacial clefts (black arrow). The embryo in K has hemorrhaging in the head. The wild-type E10 embryo is shown in E. (L and M) Yolk sac angiogenesis defects in E10.5 Gtf2ird1Gt(XE465)Byg/Gtf2ird1Gt(XE465)Byg embryos. Gross morphology of yolk sac of wild-type and mutant embryos at E10.5. The mutant yolk sac exhibits a pallid appearance because of the vast reduction in circulating erythrocytes. Large blood vessels and extensive branching of the vessels can be seen in the wild-type yolk sac (black arrowhead in L), but there is absence of an organized yolk sac vasculature in the mutant embryo, although blood islands are readily detectable. (N-Q) Vascular defects in E10.5 and E12.5 Gtf2ird1Gt(XE465)Byg/Gtf2ird1Gt(XE465)Byg and Gtf2iGt(XE029)Byg/Gtf2iGt(XE029)Byg embryos. Mutant embryos with hemorrhage in the head, the neck and the pericardial cavity are shown by black arrowheads.
Copyright This image is from Enkhmandakh B, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 Jan 6;106(1):181-6. Copyright 2009 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:143508
Symbol Name
Gtf2iGt(XE029)Byg general transcription factor II I; gene trap XE029, BayGenomics
Gtf2ird1Gt(XE465)Byg general transcription factor II I repeat domain-containing 1; gene trap XE465, BayGenomics
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Gtf2ird1Gt(XE465)Byg/Gtf2ird1Gt(XE465)Byg involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
Gtf2iGt(XE029)Byg/Gtf2iGt(XE029)Byg involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6

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