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Caption Prdm5 loss results in decreased Collagen I and Decorin levels and leads to reduced bone formation in vivo. A) Immunofluorescence staining of E16.5 tibiae for Collagen I (upper panel, bar = 200 um), Decorin (middle panel, bar = 100 um, asterisk indicates periosteum area) and Picrosirius red staining of wild-type (WT; +/+) and Prdm5Gt(AV0702)Wtsi/Prdm5Gt(AV0702)Wtsi (Prdm5LacZ/LacZ) E16.5 tibiae under polarized light (lower panel, bar = 100 um). B) H&E staining of WT and homozygous mutant E16.5 bones. The bars indicate the length of the osteoblast region (bar = 100 um). C) Von Kossa staining of WT and mutant E16.5 tibiae. D) uCT measurements of E18.5 embryos. BV/TV = Bone volume/Total embryo volume. Values for mutant embryos are normalized to littermate controls. * = p < 0.05; T-test with Welch correction. E) Representative pictures from pQCT scans of femoral metaphysis of a 5 week old mutant mouse and a littermate control. Color bar represents the density scale. F) Quantification of total bone mineral density in femoral metaphysis from 5 week old WT and mutant animals. Each dot represents the average of two measurements on each animal tested (n = 9/10 per group).
Copyright This image is from Galli GG, PLoS Genet 2012 May;8(5):e1002711, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:185118
Symbol Name
Prdm5Gt(AV0702)Wtsi PR domain containing 5; gene trap AV0702, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Prdm5Gt(AV0702)Wtsi/Prdm5Gt(AV0702)Wtsi B6.129P2-Prdm5Gt(AV0702)Wtsi

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