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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption (A) In E14.5 wild-type (Tbr1-/-), Tg(Mbp-MAPT/EGFP)#Eja/0 (Golli-Gfp+) axons originating mainly from L6 neurons extended to the upper portion of the striatum (Str; above the dashed line). In Tbr1tm1Jlr/Tbr1tm1Jlr Tg(Mbp-MAPT/EGFP)#Eja/0 (Tbr1+/+ Golli-Gfp) numerous Golli-Gfp+ axons extended to the deeper portion of the striatum (below the dashed line) toward the internal capsule. (B) In P0 mutants, Golli-Gfp+ axons were not present in the dorsal thalamus (Th), indicating that the normal corticothalamic tract (solid arrowhead) had not formed. Ectopic axons (arrow) were misdirected toward other subcortical targets, including the hypothalamus (Hyp) and the midbrain. (C) In E16.5 wild-type brain expressing the Tg(Fezf2-EGFP)CO61Gsat transgene, Fezf2-Gfp+ axons (solid arrowheads) did not cross the forebrain/midbrain boundary (dashed line). In Tbr1tm1Jlr/Tbr1tm1Jlr Tg(Fezf2-EGFP)CO61Gsat/0 mice, numerous Fezf2-Gfp+ axons (open arrowheads) extended subcerebrally to invade the midbrain (MB). (D) In E16.5 wild-type brain, only a few Fezf2-Gfp+ axons innervated the CPs (dashed lines). Dramatically more Fezf2-Gfp+ axons entered the CPs in mutants. (Scale bars: 100 um.)
Copyright This image is from Han W, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011 Feb 15;108(7):3041-6. Copyright 2011 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:169221
Symbol Name
Tbr1tm1Jlr T-box brain transcription factor 1; targeted mutation 1, John L R Rubenstein
Tg(Mbp-MAPT/EGFP)#Eja transgene insertion, Erin C Jacobs
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
involves: 129X1/SvJ

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