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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption The Kif7dda/Kif7dda (dd) embryos have multiple developmental defects associated with syndromic congenital diaphragmatic hernia. (A and B) Images of whole-mount E17.5 wild-type and mutant diaphragms with description of diaphragm anatomy. (C and D) Images of E14.5 embryos show that mutant embryos have exencephaly (arrowhead). (E and F) Transverse sections stained with H&E shows that E15.5 mutant embryos have ventricular septal defects (arrowhead). (G and H) Skeletal preparations stained with Alcian Blue (cartilage) and Alizarin red (bone) of E18.5 embryos reveal that mutant embryos have defects in rib and sternum development (arrowheads). (I and J) Images of lungs and heart indicate that mutant embryos possess pulmonary hypoplasia (arrowheads) with abnormal cardiac position (arrow).
Copyright This image is from Coles GL, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 May 21;110(21):E1898-905. Copyright 2013 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:197449
Symbol Name
Kif7dda kinesin family member 7; disorganized diaphragm allele
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Kif7dda/Kif7dda FVB.A-Kif7dda

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