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Caption Urinary tract anomalies displayed by m2Anu/m2Anu (12BC-19), m3Anu/m3Anu (12BC-20) and m10Anu/m10Anu (14BC-07) lines.m3Anu/m3Anu (A-C). (A) Unilateral and (B) bilateral dilation of the renal pelvis (*). Kinks (A) and twisting (B) of the ureter (arrow) distal to the dilation. (C) Ureter bifurcation at the site marked with a line. Single ureter (arrow) below and bifurcated ureter (arrows) above the line. m2Anu/m2Anu (D-F). (D) Unilateral renal agenesis. (E) Bilateral hydronephrosis. (F) Bilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis. m10Anu/m10Anu (G-I). (G) Dilated renal pelvis (*). (H) Duplicated ureter with hydroureter in one ureter leading to hydronephrosis in upper pole. (I) Unilateral renal hypoplasia (lines marking top and bottom of kidneys). a = adrenal, u = ureter.
Copyright This image is from Caruana G, PLoS One 2013;8(3):e55429, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:199856
Symbol Name
m10Anu mutation 10, The Australian National University
m2Anu mutation 2, The Australian National University
m3Anu mutation 3, The Australian National University
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
m2Anu/m2Anu involves: C3H/HeH * C57BL/6JAnu
m3Anu/m3Anu involves: C3H/HeH * C57BL/6JAnu
m10Anu/m10Anu involves: C3H/HeH * C57BL/6JAnu

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