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Caption Postnatal mammary gland defects in Lbhtm1.2Kbri/Lbhtm1.2Kbri (Lbhdelta2/delta2) mutant mice. (a) Carmine red whole-mount analysis of virgin mammary glands of wild-type (Lbh+/+) and homozygous mutant mice at 4 weeks (onset of puberty), 6 weeks (puberty), and 10 weeks (maturity) of age. Representative whole mounts (n >/=4 female mice per genotype and developmental stage) are shown. Asterisks denote the presence of rudimentary mammary epithelial trees at4 weeks of age and arrows indicate the extent of mammary epithelial outgrowth into the fat pad relative to the lymph node at later developmental stages. Scale bar, 1 mm. (b) Whole-mount analysis of parous mammary glands from wild-type and homozygous mice at day 14 of pregnancy, day 12 of lactation, and day 4 of involution. Representative whole mounts (n>/=2 mice per genotype and stage) are shown. Higher magnifications of whole mounts show a reduction in the size of the alveolar compartments in postpartum homozygous mutant glands, indicative of defects in alveologenesis. Scale bar, 90 um. (c) Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin sections from 8-week-old mammary glands from wild-type and homozygous mutant mice using affinity-purified LBH antibody (alpha-LBH)shows LBH expression in basal epithelium and stroma of wild-type mammary glands and the absence of LBH protein in homozygous mutant glands.
Copyright This image is from Lindley LE, Genesis 2013 Jul;51(7):491-7, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:199325
Symbol Name
Lbhtm1.2Kbri limb-bud and heart; targeted mutation 1.2, Karoline J Briegel
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Lbhtm1.2Kbri/Lbhtm1.2Kbri involves: 129S4/SvJaeSor * 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6 * C57BL/6NTac

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