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Caption Ultrastructural comparisons between sublingual glands of wild-type (WT), Muc19tm2Culp/Muc19tm2Culp (Muc19 KO), and Muc19sld/Muc19sld (sld) adult mice. A, transmission electron microscopy of WT sublingual gland with typical mucous cell ultrastructure (M), including an expansive cytoplasm filled with large electron lucent secretory granules, a basal nucleus (N). Golgi and mitochondria are localized near the nucleus and lateral aspects of the central region. A serous demilune cell (S) projects an apical cytoplasmic extension between two mucous cells to meet the lumen (L). Present within the cell projection are abundant RER and a couple of slightly electron-dense secretion granules (arrows). B, transmission electron microscopy of sublingual gland from Muc19 KO mouse. A serous demilune cell (S) with normal features is present, including slightly electron-dense secretion granules (arrow). Most cells are of atypical appearance (A) and contain small moderately electron-dense granules (arrowhead) concentrated within the apical cytoplasm near the lumen (L). The cytoplasm is much less organized with a large round nucleus (N) and loosely arranged RER and associated Golgi complexes. C, transmission electron microscopy of atypical mucous cells (A) within a tubuloacinus of an sld sublingual gland. These cells display the same features as mucous cells in the Muc19 KO, including small moderately electron dense granules (arrowhead) near the lumen (L).D,transmission electron microscopy of a tubuloacinus of an adult sld sublingual gland with atypical cells (A) juxtaposed to a group of cells expressing a mucous cell phenotype (M). Note that the exocrine granules (arrowheads) of these cells appear smallerand more electron-dense than granules in WT mucous cells (panel A). N, nucleus; L, lumen. Scale bars, 4 um.
Copyright This image is from Das B, J Biol Chem 2013 May 24;288(21):14742-55 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:199625
Symbol Name
Muc19sld mucin 19; sublingual gland differentiation arrest
Muc19tm2Culp mucin 19; targeted mutation 2, David Culp
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Muc19sld/Muc19sld NFS/N-Muc19sld
Muc19tm2Culp/Muc19tm2Culp involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * Black Swiss * NFS/NCr

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