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Caption (B) Vertebral columns of Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl/Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl Fsttm1Zuk/Fsttm1Zuk (Gasp2-/-; Fst-/-), Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl/Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl (Gasp2-/-), wild-type (wt), Gdf11tm1Sjl/Gdf11+ (Gdf11+/-) and Gdf11tm1Sjl/Gdf11tm1Sjl (Gdf11-/-) mice. Note the changes in the number of ribs. *Gasp2-/-; Fst-/- mice also had a reduced number of lumbar vertebrae from six to four, with extensive fusion of lumbar and sacral segments. (C) Cervical and anterior thoracic regions of Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl/Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl (Gasp2-/-), wild-type (wt) and Gdf11tm1Sjl/Gdf11tm1Sjl (Gdf11-/-) mice. Note the shift of the position of the anterior tuberculum (arrow) from C6 to C5 in Gasp2-/- mice and from C6 to C7 in Gdf11-/- mice. (D) Vertebrosternal ribs of Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl/Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl Fsttm1Zuk/Fsttm1Zuk (Gasp2-/-; Fst-/-), Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl/Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl Fsttm1Zuk/Fst+ (Gasp2-/-; Fst+/-), Gdf11tm1Sjl/Gdf11+ (Gdf11+/-), and Gdf11tm1Sjl/Gdf11tm1Sjl (Gdf11-/-) mice. Note changes in the number of attached ribs and additional cervical ribs (arrow). (E) Schematic representation of vertebral columns. Gdf11+/- and Gdf11-/- mice have anteriorly directed homeotic transformations of the axial skeleton. In contrast, mice lacking certain GDF-11 inhibitors (Gasp2-/- and Gasp2-/-;Fst-/-) have posteriorly directed transformations. Cervical (orange), thoracic (purple), and lumbar (sky blue) vertebrae, anterior tuberculi (small blue dots), ectopic ribs from a cervical vertebra (green curved lines), sternums (red curves), and ribs (blue lines) are color coded as indicated. The dashed lines indicate the normal positions of typical vertebral characteristics: 6 for the anterior tuberculum, 14 for the most posterior rib attached to the sternum, 20 for the most posterior thoracic vertebra, and 26 for the most posterior lumbar vertebra.
Copyright This image is from Lee YS, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Sep 24;110(39):E3713-22. Copyright 2013 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:201148
Symbol Name
Fsttm1Zuk follistatin; targeted mutation 1, Martin M Matzuk
Gdf11tm1Sjl growth differentiation factor 11; targeted mutation 1, Sejin Lee
Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl WAP, FS, Ig, KU, and NTR-containing protein 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Sejin Lee
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Gdf11tm1Sjl/Gdf11tm1Sjl involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J
Gdf11tm1Sjl/Gdf11+ involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J
Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl/Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl involves: 129 * C57BL/6
involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6
involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6

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