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Caption The Mesdtm2.1Bch allele does not complement the Mesdtm1Bch (Mesd KO) and Tyrc-3YPSd (albino deletion) alleles. Animals heterozygous for the Cre-recombined Mesdc2 (Mesd-LoxP; Mesdtm2.1Bch) allele were mated to animals heterozygous for the Mesdc2 conventional knockout (Mesd-KO; Mesdtm1Bch) (A-B), the albino (Mesd-3YPSD; Tyrc-3YPSd) deletion (C-D), or the Mesd-LoxP (Mesdtm2.1Bch) allele (E-F). Embryos were dissected at embryonic day (E) 7.5 or E 8.5 and photographed at the indicated magnifications (5X or 2.5X). (A) At E 7.5, gastrulation was near completion in wild-type embryos and the epiblast (ep), amnion (am) and chorion (ch) were clearly visible. (B, B') In contrast, in the Mesdc2 mutant littermate gastrulation was blocked, the extra-embryonic ectoderm (ex) and epiblast (ep) were organized as epithelia, and Reichert's membrane and trophoblast (rm/tb) were expanded in comparison to the epiblast. In panel B', Reichert's membrane was removed to facilitate better visualization of the Mesdc2 egg-cylinder. (C and E) By E 8.5 the size of the wild-type embryo had increased considerably, and the brain (br), heart (he), and somites (so) were clearly visible. (D-F") In contrast, the mutant littermates had only doubled in size, and the epiblast (ep) remained undifferentiated, and Reichert's membrane and trophoblast (rm/tb) were greatly expanded; this layer was removed in panel D' and F'. The embryo shown in panel F' was rotated 90 degrees (F") to allow visualization of the shortened anterior/posterior axis and characteristic indentation on the left side of the pictured Mesdc2 mutant. Previously, we demonstrated that the indentation was coincident with expression of Hex.
Copyright This image is from Taibi AV, PLoS One 2013;8(10):e75782, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:209024
Symbol Name
Mesdtm1Bch mesoderm development LRP chaperone; targeted mutation 1, Bernadette C Holdener
Mesdtm2.1Bch mesoderm development LRP chaperone; targeted mutation 2.1, Bernadette C Holdener
Tyrc-3YPSd tyrosinase; albino deletion 3YPSd, Oak Ridge
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Mesdtm2.1Bch/Mesdtm2.1Bch involves: C57BL/6 * C57BL/6J
Mesdtm1Bch/Mesdtm2.1Bch involves: 129 * C57BL/6 * C57BL/6J
Mesdtm2.1Bch/Tyrc-3YPSd involves: 101/Rl * C3H/Rl * C57BL/6 * C57BL/6J

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