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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Dilation of lateral ventricles and cholinergic deficit in aged Tg(CMV-IghvaD11)DCat/0 Tg(CMV-IgkvaD11)ACat/0 (anti-NGF) mice. Dilation of brain lateral ventricles in cresyl violet counterstained sections from anti-NGF transgenic mice (a) compared with age-matched controls (b). The communication between the two ventricles is because of mechanical rupture of the dorsal fornix, whose width is consistently reduced in all anti-NGF mice. (c and d) Staining for ChAT in the basal forebrain of anti-NGF transgenic mice (c) and control mice (d). Bar = 400 um (a and b), 200 um (c and d).
Copyright This image is from Capsoni S, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2000 Jun 6;97(12):6826-31. Copyright 2000 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:62713
Symbol Name
Tg(CMV-IghvaD11)DCat transgene insertion D, Antonio Cattaneo
Tg(CMV-IgkvaD11)ACat transgene insertion A, Antonio Cattaneo
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
involves: C57BL/6 * SJL

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