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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Kidney phenotype. (A) Representative PAS-stained kidney sections from 3-month-old WT, Stab1tm1.1Cger/Stab1tm1.1Cger (stab-1), Stab2tm1.1Cger/Stab2tm1.1Cger (stab-2), and Stab1tm1.1Cger/Stab1tm1.1Cger Stab2tm1.1Cger/Stab2tm1.1Cger (stab-dko) mice of Balb/c genetic background. The glomeruli from WT as well as single homozygous mutant mice had a normal appearance. In contrast, mesangial expansion was evident in stab-dko mice (arrows) (n = 3). Original magnification, 400. Scale bars: 20 um. (B) Representative kidney sections of 3-month-old WT and stab-dko mice of C57BL/6 background were stained with Sirius red to identify the degree of fibrosis (n = 3). Strong Sirius red-positive staining indicating collagen deposition was detected only in stab-dko glomeruli. The extent of the glomerulosclerosis was similar in stab-dko mice of both Balb/c and C57BL/6 genetic background (not shown). Original magnification, 200. Scale bars: 50 um. (C) Representative transmission electron microscopy (EM) images of 4-week-old stab-dko glomeruli of Balb/c genetic background as compared with WT showed large deposits of fibrillar material (red arrows) and a severely enlarged mesangium (M) with narrowing of capillary lumens (C), partial loss of foot processes (FP) and regular basement membrane (BM). n = 3. Original magnification, 10,000. Scale bars: 10 um.
Copyright This image is from Schledzewski K, J Clin Invest 2011 Feb 1;121(2):703-14 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:171818
Symbol Name
Stab1tm1.1Cger stabilin 1; targeted mutation 1.1 Cyrill Geraud
Stab2tm1.1Cger stabilin 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Cyrill Geraud
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
B6.129S2-Stab2tm1.1Cger Stab1tm1.1Cger
C.129S2-Stab2tm1.1Cger Stab1tm1.1Cger

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