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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Defects in cerebellar development in Dnm1ltm1.1Hise/Dnm1ltm1.2Hise En1tm2(cre)Wrst/En1+ and Dnm1ltm1.2Hise/Dnm1ltm1.2Hise En1tm2(cre)Wrst/En1+ (both referred to as En1-Drp1KO) mice. (A) Immunofluorescence of cerebellum (Cb) at P1 using anti-Dnm1l antibodies. (B) H&E stains of sagittal sections of cerebella. (C) Area of cerebella in sagittal sections around the median line was determined (n = 3). (D and E) Sagittal cerebellar sections were immunostained using antibodies to Ki67 (D) or activated caspase-3 (E). (F) EM of Pukinje cells (PCs) at P0. Arrows indicate mitochondria. Sagittal sections of cerebella are shown. (G) Quantitation of mitochondrial shape and size in PCs. (H) EM of granule cells (GC) in the external granular layer (EGL). Sagittal sections of cerebella are shown. (I) Immunofluorescence of sagittal cerebellar sections around the median line using anti-Car8 antibodies. PCL, PC layer. (D, F, and H) Boxed areas are enlarged in the corresponding panels below. *, P < 0.05. Error bars indicate mean +/- SEM.
Copyright This image is from Wakabayashi J, J Cell Biol 2009 Sep 21;186(6):805-16, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:153835
Symbol Name
Dnm1ltm1.1Hise dynamin 1-like; targeted mutation 1.1, Hiromi Sesaki
Dnm1ltm1.2Hise dynamin 1-like; targeted mutation 1.2, Hiromi Sesaki
En1tm2(cre)Wrst engrailed 1; targeted mutation 2, Wolfgang Wurst
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
involves: 129S/SvEv * 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 * SJL
involves: 129 * C57BL/6 * FVB/N * SJL

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