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Caption Hyperplastic and dysplastic alpha cells in Gcgrtm1Jcp/Gcgrtm1Jcp mice at 5-7 months. (A-H) Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining of pancreas of wild-type (WT) and mutant mice. (A and B) WT pancreas at low-power (4x) and an islet from A shown in 20x (B). (C) Mutant pancreas at low-power (4x). (D-H) Five areas of C shown in 20x (D-F) and 40x (G and H). (D) A neo-genetic islet (arrow) arising from an exocrine duct; (E) part of a large islet with trapped exocrine ducts (thick arrows), acinar cells (thin arrow), and blood island (arrowhead); (F) singlet endocrine cells and irregularly-shaped islets; and (G and H) intra-islet clearances. The cells around the clearance assume a trabecular growth pattern in H. (I-X) Immunofluorescent staining of pancreas of WT and mutant mice. (I and J) PCNA (purple) labeling of WT (I) and mutant (J) islet cells. Cells were costained with antibodies for glucagon (green). Inset, mutant islet cells costained with antibodies for insulin (green) and PCNA (purple). (K-M) Neogenetic alpha cells (green) from large (K) and small (L and M) exocrine ducts with formation of a small islet (M). (N-P) Co-production of glucagon (green) and insulin (red) in some mutant islet cells. Orange or yellow indicates overlap. (Q-T) WT (Q) or mutant (R-T) pancreata were costained for glucagon (green) and PDX-1 (purple or pink). PDX-1 was not present in neogenetic alpha cells (R) but in some alpha cells in larger islets (S and T). (U and V) WT (U) or mutant (V) pancreata were costained for insulin (green) and PDX-1 (purple or pink). PDX-1 was only present in beta cells in WT pancreas but also present in cells without insulin in mutant islets. (W and X) Hormonal expression profile of cells around the intra-islet clearances of mutant pancreata. The cells without a trabecular growth pattern mostly only express glucagon (*). The cells with a trabecular growth pattern express only glucagon or co-express glucagon and insulin (**). Blue, counterstained with Hoechst 33342 to highlight nuclei. White scale bar, 250 um; red scale bar, 40 um. The scale bar in N applies to N-V.
Copyright This image is from Yu R, PLoS One 2011;6(8):e23397, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:176507
Symbol Name
Gcgrtm1Jcp glucagon receptor; targeted mutation 1, Janice C Parker
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Gcgrtm1Jcp/Gcgrtm1Jcp DBA/1LacJ-Gcgrtm1Jcp

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