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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Skeletal defects in Mstntm1Sjl/Mstntm1Sjl and Mstntm1Sjl/Mstntm1Sjl Gdf11tm1Sjl/Gdf11tm1Sjl newborn mice. (A) Thoracic region of Gdf11tm1Sjl/Gdf11tm1Sjl (Gdf11-/-) (A) and Mstntm1Sjl/Mstntm1Sjl Gdf11tm1Sjl/Gdf11tm1Sjl (Mstn-/- Gdf11-/-) (B) mutants showing the increase in rib number. Note that the anterior homeotic transformations of thoracic vertebrae are more extensive in the double mutant (20 ribs) versus the single Gdf11tm1Sjl/Gdf11tm1Sjl (Gdf11-/-) mutant (18 ribs). Whole skeleton preparation of the single mutant (C) and double mutant (D) pups. (E) Ventral torso of newborn double mutant showing multiple projections from the skin (*) and an extra limb (arrowhead). Forelimb skeleton preparations of single mutant (F) and double mutant (G and H) pups showing an extra bone emanating from the shoulder of the double mutant (G, arrow) and an extra limb (H). The limb in (G) has been rotated for a better view of the extra bone. (I and J) Hindlimb phenotypes of double mutant pups. Note the truncation of the vertebral column (I) and malformation of the ilieum and all leg bones (J).
Copyright This image is from McPherron AC, BMC Dev Biol 2009;9():24, an open-access article, licensee BioMed Central Ltd. J:158173
Symbol Name
Gdf11tm1Sjl growth differentiation factor 11; targeted mutation 1, Sejin Lee
Mstntm1Sjl myostatin; targeted mutation 1, Se-Jin Lee
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Gdf11tm1Sjl/Gdf11tm1Sjl involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ

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