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Caption Melanocyte specific PIKfyve knockout mice exhibit hair greying. (A) Timeline of in vivo experiments. Five Pikfyvetm2.1Tssk/Pikfyvetm2.1Tssk Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos/0 (PIKfyveFlox/Flox Cre+) and 5 Pikfyvetm2.1Tssk/Pikfyvetm2.1Tssk (PIKfyveFlox/Flox Cre-) mice were administered tamoxifen chow for 29 days. A control group of 5 Pikfyvetm2.1Tssk/Pikfyvetm2.1Tssk Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos/0 mice were fed a control diet throughout the course of the experiment. All mice were shave depilated at P50 and subsequently fed normal chow beginning at P50 for the subsequent days. Gray bar denotes the duration that mice, with the exception of the control group, were on tamoxifen feed. (B) Littermates were photographed at P85, P105, and P365.
Copyright This image is from Liggins MC, PLoS Genet 2018 Mar;14(3):e1007290, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:262141
Symbol Name
Pikfyvetm2.1Tssk phosphoinositide kinase, FYVE type zinc finger containing; targeted mutation 2.1, Takehiko Sasaki
Tg(Tyr-cre/ERT2)13Bos transgene insertion 13, Marcus Bosenberg
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
involves: C57BL/6 * C57BL/6J

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