| Mutant 1283-007-NA exhibits abnormal arrangement of the outflow tracts with the aorta anterior, RAA, and thickened ventricular wall. Sample is diagnosed with PTA and biventricular hypertrophy by EFIC imaging | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |
 | EFIC Summary | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |
 | Serial 2D EFIC image stack in the coronal plane of 1283-007-NA reveals PTA (type A2), AVSD, RAA, and biventricular hypertrophy Click thumbnail to play movie. | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |
 | Mutant 1283-007-NA presents with left kidney agenesis, hydronephrosis of the right kidney, and cystic kidney which is confirmed by histology | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |
 | Right kidney of mutant 1283-007-NA is hydronephrotic and has hydroureter. Some cysts are present | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |
 | Mutant 1283-003-2 (E16.5) presents with a cleft palate | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |
 | Mutant 1283-003-2 (E16.5) presents with left lung isomerism, normal outflow, and thickened ventricular wall which is diagnosed as biventricular hypertrophy by EFIC imaging | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |
 | Mutant 1283-003-2 (E16.5) shows heterotaxy with malrotated gut, left-sided stomach, midline pancreas, and asplenia | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |
 | EFIC Summary | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |
 | Serial 2D EFIC image stack in the coronal plane of 1283-003-2 (E16.5) reveals AVSD, and LV hypertrophy Click thumbnail to play movie. | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |
 | Mutant 1283-003-2 (E16.5) exhibits cystic kidneys which is confirmed by histology imaging | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |
 | Ureteric bud of mutant 1293-003-2 has short cilia | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |
 | Mutant 1283-003-2 has cystic tubules and glomeruli | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |
 | Glomerui and tubules of kidneys of mutant 1283-003-2 are cystic (right kidney shown) | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |
 | Mutant 1283-003-2 (E16.5) exhibits preaxial digit duplication | Ift140b2b1283Clo/Ift140b2b1283Clo | C57BL/6J-Ift140b2b1283Clo |