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Mapping Data
  • Experiment
  • Chromosome
  • Reference
    J:54593 Bihl F, et al., Two loci, Tmevp2 and Tmevp3, located on the telomeric region of chromosome 10, control the persistence of Theiler's virus in the central nervous system of mice. Genetics. 1999 May;152(1):385-92
  • ID
GeneAlleleAssay TypeDescription
D10Mit68 PCR
Tmevp2 resistance/susceptibility
D10Mit73 PCR
D10Mit74 PCR
Tmevp3 resistance/susceptibility
D10Mit234 PCR
D10Mit14 PCR
  • Experiment
    Theiler's virus persistently infects the white matter of spinal cord in susceptible strains of mice. This infection is associated with inflammation and primary demyelination and is studied as a model of multiple sclerosis. The SJL/J strain is more susceptible than the B10.S strain. Screening of a (SJL/J x B10.S)F1 x B10.S backcross identified a locus in the telomeric region of Chromosome 10. Analysis of 14 congenic lines carrying different segments of Chromosome 10 identified the presence of two loci controlling viral persistence in the telomeric region of Chromosome 10. These loci have been designated as Tmevp2 and Tmevp3. Tmevp2 is located between D10Mit68 (51.5 cM) and D10Mit73 (62 cM) and Tmevp3 is between D10Mit74 (65 cM) and D10Mit234/D10Mit14 (65 cM). Futhermore, the susceptible allele of the Tmevp2 locus is dominant and the susceptible allele of the Tmevp3 locus is recessive. C57BL/10-derived alleles at Tmevp2 and Tmevp3 confer resistance to Theiler's virus. Moreover, males were more infected than females. Also Ifng was excluded as a candidate gene from the regions containing Tmevp2 and Tmevp3.

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