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Mapping Data
  • Experiment
  • Chromosome
  • Reference
    J:57787 Taylor BA, et al., Gender-influenced obesity QTLs identified in a cross involving the KK type II diabetes-prone mouse strain. Mamm Genome. 1999 Oct;10(10):963-8
  • ID
GeneAlleleAssay TypeDescription
Obq5 visible phenotype
  • Experiment
    The authors investigated the inheritance of adiposity and related traits in the obese, diabetes-prone KK/H1Lt (KK) and the lean, normoglycemic C57BL/6J (B6) strains, their F1 hybrids, and a large intercross generation. Adiposity index (A1) was defined as the sum of four fat depot weights divided by body weight. A peak lod score of 7.0 for A1 was found on proximal Chromosome 9. Analysis of males and females revealed that gender had a profound effect on the magnitude of the Chromosome 9 A1 QTL (lod = 6.3 in females and lod = 2.7 in males P<0.001). This QTL was designated as Obq5 and peaked between D9Mit66 and D9Mit328 in females and accounted for 17% of the phenotypic variation in females. In males the Chromosome 9 lod score peaked 2 cM distal to D9Mit65.It is likely that the same QTL is acting in both genders. At D9Mit328, the marker close to the Obq5 peak, females homozygous for the B6 allele have a mean A1 ~30% lower than females bearing either one or two KK alleles. Obq5 also had effects on other traits in females: inguinal and gonadal fat pad weights as a percentage of body weight (lod = 3.1 and 2.7 respectively), retroperitoneal fat % (lod = 4.5), body weight (lod = 4.8), leptin (lod = 3.4) and mesenteric fat % (lod = 2.4). In males Obq5 has effects on mesenteric fat % (lod = 4.2), inguinal fat % (lod = 3.2), body weight (lod = 3.2) and leptin (lod = 2.4).

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