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  • Experiment
  • Chromosome
  • Reference
    J:75277 Silveira PA, et al., Identification of the Gasa3 and Gasa4 autoimmune gastritis susceptibility genes using congenic mice and partitioned, segregative and interaction analyses. Immunogenetics. 2001 Dec;53(9):741-50
  • ID
GeneAlleleAssay TypeDescription
Gasa3 resistance/susceptibility
  • Experiment
    F2 animals from a cross between BALB/cCrSlc (susceptible) and C57BL/6 (resistant) strains were used to screen for minor loci contributing to susceptibility gastritis type A. Only animals fixed at Gasa1 or Gasa2 were used in the segregation analysis. 135 loci were screened at an average density of 15 cM. A locus on mouse Chromosome 6 reached significant linkage at approximately 44 cM and was designated Gasa3 (gastritis type A susceptibility locus 3). Gasa3 spans 41.5 cM - 46.3 cM on chromosome 6 with a LOD score of 4.7 at D6Mit149. Animals heterozygous as Gasa3 exhibit susceptibility to autoimmune gastritis. A locus on mouse Chromosome 17 reached suggestive significance near the region of the H2 locus and was designated Gasa4. Gasa4 was confirmed in a cross between BALB/cCrSlc and a congenic line carrying C57BL/10-derived DNA from D17Mit62 to D17Mit177 encompassing the H2 locus. Heterozygosity as Gasa4 confers increased penetrance of autoimmune gastritis in day 3 thymectomized mice. Gasa4 appears to interact with Gasa2. Heterozygosity at Gasa4 and homozygosity at Gasa2 for BALB/cCrSlc-derived alleles confers maximum increase in disease penetrance.

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