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Mapping Data
  • Experiment
  • Chromosome
  • Reference
    J:87704 Kodama Y, et al., The D5Mit7 locus on mouse chromosome 5 provides resistance to gamma-ray-induced but not N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced thymic lymphomas. Carcinogenesis. 2004 Jan;25(1):143-8
  • ID
GeneAlleleAssay TypeDescription
Thyls2 resistance/susceptibility
D5Mit7 PCR amplified length variant
Sod3 reported elsewhere
  • Experiment
    A congenic line carrying a 28.4 cM region of MSM-derived DNA from D5Mit4 (20 cM) to D5Mit315 (59 cM) on a BALB/c genetic background was constructed. This region contains a putative thymic lymphoma susceptibility QTL at 36 cM near D5Mit5 (mapped in a previous study). Animals from a (BALB.MSM-D5Mit4-D5Mit315 x BALB/c)F1 x MSM cross were used to confirm and fine map the locus. 95 animals were subjected to gamma-irradiation and 48 animals were exposed to MNU to induce thymic lymphomas. Parental strain BALB/c is susceptible to gamma-irradiation induced thymic lymphomas whereas parental strain MSM is resistant.

    There was significant correlation between the MSM allele at D5Mit7 (45 cM) and incidence of gamma-irradiation induced thymic lymphomas. This locus is named Thyls2 (thymic lymphoma susceptibility 2). BALB/c-derived alleles at Thyls2 appear to confer resistance to gamma-irradiation induced thymic lymphomas. Thyls2 did not show significant correlation to MNU induced thymic lymphomas. Thyls2 maps near a previously QTL named Cypr3 (cytokine production 3, 52 cM). Sod3 is a candidate gene mapping near Thyls2. Sequence analysis of Sod3 revealed a polymorphism resulting in an asparagine (BALB/c) to aspartic acid (MSM) substitution at residue 21.

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