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Mapping Data
  • Experiment
  • Chromosome
  • Reference
    J:91218 Sundberg JP, et al., Adult-Onset Alopecia Areata Is a Complex Polygenic Trait in the C3H/HeJ Mouse Model. J Invest Dermatol. 2004 Aug;123(2):294-7
  • ID
GeneAlleleAssay TypeDescription
Alaa4 visible phenotype
D15Mit270 PCR amplified length variant
Trhr reported elsewhere
Trps1 reported elsewhere
Ly6e reported elsewhere
Il2rb reported elsewhere
Plec reported elsewhere
Adamts20 reported elsewhere
Sox10 reported elsewhere
  • Experiment
    Genome scan using 219 polymorphic markers was performed on 1096 female animals from a (C3H/HeJ x C57BL/6J)F2 intercross to identify QTLs associated with autoimmune alopecia areata. Parental strain C3H/HeJ develops spontaneous adult onset alopecia areata whereas parental strain C57BL/6J is resistant.

    Previously identified QTL Alaa1 was detected in this study. Alaa1 shows peak linkage at 16.4 cM on mouse Chromosome 17 with LOD=10.346. The QTL interval of Alaa1 spans 10 cM - 20 cM. Potential candidate genes in this interval include H2-Ab1 (18.64 cM), H2-Eb1 (18.66 cM), Lta (19.059 cM), Ltb (19.061 cM), and Tnf (19.06 cM). Alaa1 explains 10.346% of the phenotypic variance.

    A previously identified suggestive QTL on mouse Chromosome 9 was detected in this study. This locus is named Alaa2 and maps to 20 cM near D9Mit206 with LOD=2.139. The QTL interval of Alaa2 spans 10 cM - 26 cM. Potential candidate genes for Alaa2 include Crtam (20.5 cM), Cd3d (26 cM), Cd3e (26 cM), Cd3g (26 cM), Il10ra (26 cM), Thy1 (26 cM), and Ncam1 (28 cM). Alaa2 explains 2.149% of the phenotypic variance.

    A new QTL mapped in this experiment is Alaa3 at 32 cM on mouse Chromosome 8 (LOD=2.411 at D8Mit132). The QTL interval of Alaa3 spans 22.5 cM - 38.5 cM. Potential candidate genes found in this interval include Casp3 (26 cM), Jak3 (33 cM), Il12rb1 (33.5 cM), and Il15 (38 cM). Alaa3 explains 2.427% of the phenotypic variance.

    A new QTL mapped in this experiment is Alaa4 at 28 cM on mouse Chromosome 15 (LOD=2.791 at D15Mit270). The QTL interval of Alaa4 spans 19.7 cM - 46.6 cM. Potential candidate genes found in this interval include Trhr (27 cM), Trps1 (30.1 cM), Ly6e (41.7 cM), Il2rb (43.3 cM), Plec1 (44 cM), Adamts20 (44.4 cM), and Sox10 (46.6 cM). Alaa4 explains 2.815% of the phenotypic variance.

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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