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Mapping Data
  • Experiment
  • Chromosome
  • Reference
    J:92304 Koarada S, et al., Nonobese diabetic CD4 lymphocytosis maps outside the MHC locus on chromosome 17. Immunogenetics. 2004 Aug;56(5):333-7
  • ID
GeneAlleleAssay TypeDescription
Idd1 resistance/susceptibility
D17Mit164 PCR amplified length variant
D17Mit152 PCR amplified length variant
D17Mit100 PCR amplified length variant
D17Mit176 PCR amplified length variant
D17Mit21 PCR amplified length variant
D17Mit142 PCR amplified length variant
Pdpk1 reported elsewhere
  • Experiment
    The effect of Idd1 (19.5 cM ) was confirmed using congenic strain B6.NOD-(D17Mit164-D17Mit152). This congenic strain carries NOD-derived chromosome 17 DNA from 5.3 cM to 63.8 cM on a C57BL/6 genetic background. Parental strain NOD exhibits peripheral CD4lymphocytosis compared to C57BL/6. Congenic strain B6.NOD-(D17Mit164-D17Mit152) also exhibits peripheral CD4 lymphocytosis, therefore NOD-derived alleles between D17Mit164 and D17Mit152 may house a gene or genes responsible for the phenotype.

    NOD.B10Sn-H2b/J, a congenic strain that carries the H2b allele from B10Sn/J on an NOD genetic background also exhibits CD4 lymphocytosis and is diabetes resistant but differs from B6.NOD-(D17Mit164-D17Mit152) between D17Mit100 (24.9 cM) and D17Mit176 (41 cM). This region contains C57BL/6-derived DNA instead of NOD-derived DNA and was ruled out for carrying the gene responsible for CD4 lymphocytosis. Authors conclude that the most likely location for the gene responsible for lymphocytosis is either between D17Mit164 (5.3 cM) and D17Mit100 (24.9 cM) or between D17Mit21 (33 cM) and D17Mit142 (77 cM). These 2 regions exclude the H2 locus. A potential candidate gene for Idd1 is Pdpk1.

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