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Mapping Data
  • Experiment
  • Chromosome
  • Reference
    J:61763 Lyons PA, et al., Congenic mapping of the type 1 diabetes locus, Idd3, to a 780-kb region of mouse chromosome 3: identification of a candidate segment of ancestral DNA by haplotype mapping. Genome Res. 2000 Apr;10(4):446-53
  • ID
GeneAlleleAssay TypeDescription
Idd3 resistance/susceptibility
D3Nds6 PCR
Il2 reported elsewhere
  • Experiment
    The Idd3 locus on mouse Chromosome 3 was narrowed to a 145 kb interval using a combination of congenic strain haplotype analysis, SNP haplotype analysis, and contig mapping. The Idd3 interval is most likely located between D3Nds6 (19.2 cM) and SNP 81.3. Il2 is a strong candidate mapping to this interval. Sequence analysis of the Il2 promoter region between diabetes susceptible and resistant mouse strains revealed 2 polymorphisms in non-regulatory regions. Furthermore, Il2 expression levels did not differbetween diabetes susceptible and resistant strains. A serine to proline amino acid substitution at residue 6 of the Il2 protein is associated with increased glycosylation and diabetes susceptibility. This non-conservative polymorphism may account for theeffect of Idd3.

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