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Mapping Data
  • Experiment
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    J:108210 Podolin PL, et al., Differential glycosylation of interleukin 2, the molecular basis for the NOD Idd3 type 1 diabetes gene?. Cytokine. 2000 May;12(5):477-82
  • ID
GeneAlleleAssay TypeDescription
Idd3 resistance/susceptibility
Il2 reported elsewhere
  • Experiment
    Idd3 is a diabetes susceptibility QTL mapping to a 145 kb interval on mouse Chromosome 3 around 19.2 cM. Il2 colocalizes with Idd3 and has been suggested as a candidate gene. Authors compared electrophoretic mobility of IL-2 proteins from diabetes-susceptible strain NOD and diabetes-resistant congenic strain NOD.B6-Idd3 using SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis. The NOD IL-2 electrophoretic pattern was relatively homogeneous showing a 21-22 kDa specicies with a smaller minor species whereas the C57BL/6J IL-2 (from NOD.B6-Idd3) electrophoretic pattern was heterogeneous with several major species between 17-19 kDa.

    Furthermore, analysis of diabetes susceptible strain 129 (Taconic farms) revealed a single amino acid substitution at position 4 of the Il2 gene compared to the NOD allele. Authors constructed a diabetes susceptible congenic line named NOD.129-Idd3, which carries 129-derived DNA from D3Mit93 (13.8 cM) to D3Mit65 (23.3 cM). A homogeneous electrophoretic mobility pattern was observed with IL-2 protein from NOD.129-Idd3 animals. Authors postulate that diabetes resistance at Idd3 is associated with a heterogeneous IL-2 electrophoretic pattern while diabetes susceptibility at Idd3 is associated with a homogeneous IL-2 electrophoretic pattern. Differences in protein mobility may be due to variation in IL-2 glycosylation between the different strains.

    In addition, IL-2 protein from activated spleen cells of NOD, NOD.B6-Idd3, and NOD.129-Idd3 animals were able to stimulate cell proliferation of IL-2 dependent cell lines in vitro. Therefore, the diabetes phenotype may be independent of IL-2 dependent cell proliferation.

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