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Mapping Data
  • Experiment
  • Chromosome
  • Reference
    J:108693 Mizutani S, et al., Chromosome 2 locus Nidd5 has a potent effect on adiposity in the TSOD mouse. Mamm Genome. 2006 May;17(5):375-84
  • ID
GeneAlleleAssay TypeDescription
Nidd5 visible phenotype
D2Mit244 PCR amplified length variant
D2Mit91 PCR amplified length variant
Gcg reported elsewhere
Dpp4 reported elsewhere
Gpd2 reported elsewhere
  • Experiment
    The Nidd5 (non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 5) QTL interval on mouse Chromosome 2 was localized to a 9.4 Mb interval between D2Mit244 (33 cM; 57.2 Mb) and D2Mit91 (37 cM; 66.6 cM) using congenic strain analysis. BALB/cAJcl-derived segments of the Nidd5 region were introgressed onto a TSOD genetic background. Parental strain TSOD is obese and develops type 2 diabetes, whereas BALB/cAJcl is non-obese and non-diabetic. Congenic animals display significantly decreased body weight and adiposity compared to the TSOD background strain, thus confirming the effect of Nidd5.

    Plasma insulin levels did not differ between Nidd5 congenic animals and TSOD as previously reported. Food consumption, total spontaneous activity, and thermogenesis were also found tobe unaffected by the Nidd5 locus.

    Nidd5 is also considered separate and distinct from previously identified obesity QTL Mobe1 (also called Moo1, 44 cM) and Mob6 (49.6 cM). The Nidd5 interval is syntenic to human Chromosome 2q24.1-q24.3, a region with 2reported linkages to human obesity traits. Potential candidate genes mapping near Nidd5 are Gcg (36 cM), Dpp4 (35 cM), and Gpd2 (33 cM).

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